
Workflows API

This document outlines how to call the new Leap workflows API.

Authenticating Your Account

To access workflows, you first need to set up an account at (opens in a new tab) and generate an API key. This API key must be included in your request header under the X-Api-Key key to authenticate your account.

Initiating a Workflow

Workflows can be initiated by sending a POST request to the following endpoint:

Your request body must include the following;

  "workflowId": "123", // Unique ID of the workflow you want to run
  "webhookUrl": "", // Optional: The URL to receive notifications of workflow completion or failure
  "inputs": {
    "foo": "bar" // Inputs you want to pass to the workflow

Understanding the Workflow Run Object

Once a workflow is initiated, the API will immediately respond with a Workflow Run object. If you've specified a webhook URL, this object will also be sent in the body of a POST request once the workflow has completed or failed.

    "id": string; // Unique ID of the workflow run
	"versionId": string; // Version of the workflow being run
	"status": "completed" | "running" | "failed"; // Current status of the workflow
	"created_at": string; // Date and time when the workflow was initiated
    "started_at": string | null; // Date and time when the workflow actually started, if applicable
    "ended_at": string | null; // Date and time when the workflow ended, if applicable
	"workflowId": string; // ID of the workflow
	"error": string | null; // Any error that occurred during the workflow, or null if the workflow completed successfully
    "input": { // Inputs used in the workflow
	  [key: string]: any;
	"output": unknown | null; // Output of the workflow, or null if the workflow failed

This document should help you navigate and access Leap's new workflows. Feel free to contact us if you encounter issues or have additional questions.