AI Models

AI Models & Services

The best AI models, all in one place. Please view our dashboard (opens in a new tab) for our full list of workflow actions.

Generate Text with OpenAI GPT

Generate Text with OpenAI GPT

Every GPT model from OpenAI.

Chat with AI about your Image(s)

Chat with AI about your Image(s)

Chat with an AI about your image(s), ask it anything.

Generate Text with Mistral 7b

Generate Text with Mistral 7b

Generate text using Mistral. (Good quality, fast, 16k token limit)

Generate Text with Claude 3 Opus

Generate Text with Claude 3 Opus

Generate short text answers using Llama 2 70b. (Good quality, slower, 4k token limit)

Fast Face Generation

Fast Face Generation

Generate AI portraits in seconds.

Train custom SDXL model

Train custom SDXL model

Fine-tune a model using SDXL

Generate Image from Custom Model

Generate Image from Custom Model

Generate images from your SDXL fine tuned models.

Train custom SD15 model

Train custom SD15 model

Fine-tune models using SD 1.5, SDXL, and more

Generate Image with Stable Diffusion XL

Generate Image with Stable Diffusion XL

Generate photo-realistic images from text descriptions.

Fast Image Generation

Fast Image Generation

Generate images from text in seconds.

Face Restoration

Face Restoration

Use face restoration from Replicate on old photos or AI-generated faces

Generate Music

Generate Music

Generate music from a prompt or melody. (10 minute audio limit)

Generate Audio from Text

Generate Audio from Text

Generate audio from text using AI. You can choose from a variety of voices.

Generate Text from Audio

Generate Text from Audio

Generate text from audio using AI.

Audio/Image to Video

Audio/Image to Video

Convert an image and audio file to a video.

Add Captions to Video

Add Captions to Video

Add captions to a video.

Resize Video with Blur

Resize Video with Blur

Resize a video with a blur background

Lipsync Video

Lipsync Video

Lipsync a video from audio using Synclabs AI.

Request New Service

Reach out to us (opens in a new tab) and request a new AI model or service. Get priority support on our Enterprise plan.